Update 25 Jan 2025
Five of my blog posts in this blog have been moved to "draft" because I used unlicensed manga images with English translations. Well, to make these posts appear again, I have to delete those manga images. Sorry guys, I don't have time to look for images right now, so I have five pages with no manga images... but at leat you can still read the post again now.
In which the blog
authoress postulates her theory about the chronology and timeline of Candy
Candy the Final Story. Scroll down to the end of the letter – I mean, post – to
read the proposed timeline.
Thanks to Nila from
the CandyTerry.com, I’ve gained access to the precious unofficial English
translations of the Candy Candy the Final Story. The translations were done
by many fans, and because I do not have their permissions to disclose their
screen names, I will not attribute the translators one by one. Suffice to say
I’m forever grateful for their service. If you’d like to read those
translations, contact Nila at the CT Forum for access.
I was rather worried before reading the novel, worried that
it would be too difficult to understand. However, the novel turns out to be not
so difficult to follow. Nagita Keiko wrote CCFS in flashback styles, here
represented by a third person reminiscence of the events in Candy’s life from
her childhood at Pony’s Home until she left St. Paul’s. Those events are
divided into two volumes, Volume 1
(up to Candy knowing Terry’s lineage secret at St. Paul’s) and Volume 2 (until Candy left St. Paul’s to
pursue Terry in America). Volume 1 contains Chapter 1 (Anthony’s story) and
Chapter 2 (Terry’s story), while the first part of Volume 2 contains Candy’s
life with Terry in St. Paul’s London. Candy
only returned to her present time twice until this moment: the first one was
after reminiscing on Anthony’s death and the second one was when she started to
reminisce on her journey to and in the UK. I think these recollections or monologues
serve the novel well, for it bridges us back to the “present moment” where Candy
was at her new home by the Avon River.
In Volume 2, after Candy decided to return to USA, we arrive
at Chapter 3, where we learn about Candy’s life back in America and her life
post-manga. Chapter 3 started with Candy reminiscing about her journey back to
America and also her life afterwards. Nagita-sensei wrote Chapter 3 as a series
of letters. The orders of the letters might seem chronological at first glance,
but then you’ll realise that they have to be reordered. Chapter 3 ends with the
legendary letter from Terry to Candy post-Susanna Marlowe’s death. Then we
arrive at Epilogue, where we read several letters exchanged between Candy and
Albert, followed by Candy’s letter to Anthony. The novel is closed with Candy
returning to the present and Anohito returning home. We also have Nagita
Keiko’s Afterword,
which in itself is very interesting to read.
Now, the most confusing things that readers can find about
the novel (other than who Anohito is, perhaps) is Chapter 3 and Epilogue,
particularly concerning the letters. I’ve written some fanfictions with
flashbacks scattered in the passages, where the hero/heroine moved back and
forth between the past and their “present time”. Thus, I wasn’t confused when I
read the letters in CCFS. It’s also possible that I wasn’t confused because I have
a prior knowledge that those letters were not chronological anyway.
However, if you find the letters in Chapter 3 and Epilogue
(as per order of appearance) confusing, here’s my advice (which I also applied
to myself). Imagine we’re standing next to Candy in her living room, sitting
next to her as she started to open her heirloom box. Observing the letters and
postcards she was observing, we will understand why the letters are jumbled up.
Candy was just looking through the letters absentmindedly, sorting them out of
no particular order. And we can pretend that, although Candy definitely didn’t
keep her letters to her friends (she had sent those letters to the addresses –
except for the letters to Terry, Anthony and Stear), Candy could be remembering
what she said in her letters to those characters. With this framework in mind,
it was easy for me to read the letters. They were not necessarily chronological
in time, but they could very well be chronological in the manner of Candy
sorting them out that afternoon.
Besides, Candy’s retrospective monologues actually made
sense. It makes sense for Nagita-san to place those monologues there, because
they are used to bring Candy back to the past. No monologues were wasted there;
each monologue brings us and Candy back to the past, to the exact moment that
relates to the monologue.
I made the chronology and timeline without checking Nee-chan’s
suggested timeline per event (as in, I didn’t look back and forth her blog and
my document as I wrote it). However, my chronology and timeline are somewhat in line with Nee-chan’s
reconstruction. It’s also similar to what Josephine Hymes suggested in her
excellent fan-fiction The Season of Daffodils. Another Japanese fan suggested a
slightly different
timeline; particularly pertaining to the moment Albert gave Candy her diary
back (suggested for 1920s) and the “present year” of CCFS (1938). I gave a lot of thoughts about Candy's last letter to Albert after reading the other Japanese fan's timeline. I finally concluded that Albert still gave Candy’s diary
back within a year after Candy realised Albert’s true identity (hence before WW 1 ended).
As I was reading the chapters and those letters, I scribbled
on sticky notes and made a chronological order of CCFS. The followings are my
suggestion for the chronological events in CCFS. I will revise this suggestion
if I find the need to do so. Check this for
the Index of CCFS Japanese version, faithfully compiled by Nila and Lady Gato. I
based my chronology on that Index, hence you will see that I mostly just
rearranged the orders of the Index based on chronology. The italics words are
my own markers to indicate major event groups. I also added my notes why I
chose to place some sections/letters/passages where they are now, instead of
where they were in the novel.
CC Final Story:
Volume 1, 349 pages
Pgs. 3-11, Prologue
Pg. 12, Blank page
Life at Pony’s Home until Anthony’s death
Pg. 13, Chapter 1: I 章 (Title only)
Pgs. 14-215, Candy’s life at Pony’s Home, at the Lagans and
at Lakewood, up to Anthony’s death
Pgs. 216-217, Candy's Retrospection: pgs. 216-222
Pgs. 218-228, Candy's Retrospection on Anthony's Death and
Candy' Letter to Stair and Archie (pgs. 227-228)
Life in the UK
Pg. 229, Chapter 2: II 章 (Title only)
Pgs. 230-235, Candy's Retrospection (Avon River, Daffodils)
Pgs. 236-349, Candy’s diary entry in April
CC Final Story:
Volume 2, 338 pages
Pg. 3, Chapter 2: II 章 (Title only) -continued from Volume 1
Pgs. 4-146, Candy’s life with Terry et al. in London until
she leaves St. Paul's Academy
(No changes in the
chronological order of the events until this point)
Life back in the USA
Pg. 147, Chapter 3: III 章 (Title only)
Pgs. 148-149, Candy's Retrospection about the Jewel box,
tells Anohito about her adventure to the States
Pg. 150, Susy's Postcard from Calcutta
Pgs. 151-152, Candy's Retrospection
Pgs. 153-156, Candy's Letter to Mr. Carson
Pgs. 157-158, Candy's (1st) Letter to Samuel, Jeffrey, and
Susy Anne Carson
Pgs. 159-163, Candy's Letter to Mr. Dan Jaskin
Pg. 164 Blank page
Pg. 165, Georges's Letter to Candy
Pgs. 166-168, Candy's Letter to Captain Niven
Pgs. 169-170, Cookie's Letter to Candy
Pgs. 171-172, Candy's (2nd) Letter to Sam, Jeff, and Susy
Pg. 173 Blank page
Pgs. 174-175, Candy's Letter to Terry (written during her
nursing school days)
Pgs. 180-183, Candy's Letter to Principal Mary Jane (nursing
Pg. 176, Archie's (1st) Letter to Candy
Pgs. 177-178, Stear's Letter to Candy
Pg. 179, Candy's Letter to Sister Grey
Pgs. 184-185, Annie's (1st) Letter to Candy
World War I started in July 1914
Pgs. 186-188, Candy's Retrospection on Terry's Acting
Pgs. 192-193, Patty's (1st) Letter to Candy
Pgs. 194-195, Candy's Letter to Dr. Frank Campbell
Pgs. 196-199 Candy's Retrospection
Pg. 197, Candy's Retrospection, describes Shakespeare
collection, Medical books, English & French Lit. in her study
Pg. 215 Blank page
Pgs. 216-219, Candy's Retrospection (going to NYC to see
Terry; Stear leaving to France)
Pgs. 220-222, Archie's (2nd) Letter to Candy
Pgs. 223-225, Stear's Commanding officer's Letter to Candy
Pgs. 226-228, Patty's (2nd) Letter to Candy
Pg. 229 Blank page
Pgs. 230-233, Annie's (2nd) Letter to Candy
Pgs. 234-237, Candy's Retrospection on the Separation scene
Pgs. 237-241, Candy's Retrospection continues
Pg. 242 Blank page
Pgs. 278-280, Susanna's Letter to Candy (Susanna thanking
Candy for giving up Terry. This letter is part of Candy’s retrospection later
on, but because it contains Susanna’s letter, chronologically it needs to be
just after the New York separation)
Pg. 243, Archie's (3rd) Letter to Candy (warning her about
Pgs. 244-245, Candy's Retrospection (about Neil and her
finding that Uncle William = Albert)
Post-manga events
Pgs. 324-328, Candy's Letter to Anthony
This letter has to be here because Candy gives the
impression that she just revisited old memories by visiting Lakewood after
years of absence, as well as because she just found out that Albert = Uncle
William. It is possible that Candy wrote to Anthony after her second Lakewood
visit (p 317-322), but I don’t think Candy would wait that long to “talk” to
Pgs. 286-287, Candy's 1st Letter to Albert
Pgs. 288-290, Albert's 1st Letter to Candy
Pgs. 291-295, Candy's 2nd Letter to Albert
Pgs. 296-304, Albert's 2nd
Letter to Candy (explaining how he met Candy on Pony’s Hill when they were
young. This letter and the letters above have to be written within weeks after
the Uncle William revelation)
Pg. 305, Candy's 3rd (short) Letter to Albert
Pgs. 306-309, Candy's 4th Letter to Albert
Pg. 310, Albert's 3rd "short message" to Candy
Pgs. 311-315, Albert's 4th/last Letter to Candy
Pg. 316, Candy's 5th (short) Letter to Albert
Pgs. 253-254, Candy's Letter to Gloria, the Magnolia Apt.
Caretaker (I place it here because it mentioned about the public revelation of
the true identity (or face) of William Albert Ardlay in Chicago newspapers)
Pgs. 246-248, Candy's (1st) Letter to Dr. Martin (winter)
Pgs. 249-250, Candy's (2nd) Letter to Dr. Martin (winter)
Pgs. 251-252, Candy's Letter Vincent Brown (Anthony's
Father) – this letter, written in a Christmas period, should be written before
Candy’s second visit to Lakewood post-manga. Candy mentioned how Rosemary Brown
looked like Uncle William (thus she knew already that Albert = Uncle William)
Pgs. 317-322, Candy's 6th/last
Letter to Albert.
This letter should be written after Candy had another visit
at Lakewood where Albert returned her diary to her. The letter has to also be
written immediately after this Lakewood visit, because Candy described it with
such vivid words. If it was written years afterwards, it would not be so
detailed, unless Candy had a photographic memory (and we know she was smart,
but not that smart; she ranked the seventh during the final exam).
This Lakewood visit has to be the second visit after Candy
knew about Albert’s secret identity (also happened in Lakewood), because Candy
mentioned about Albert’s unannounced visits to Pony’s Home – implying that by
then Candy already settled back at Pony’s Home, and that Albert had visited
Pony’s Home several times after his revelation. Candy had also been helping Dr
Martin at the “Happy Martin Clinic”.
Although it’s possible that the letter and the Lakewood visit were made a good few years after Candy learned Albert’s true identity, the letter is full of references of information about old Lakewood memories that Candy would want to share with Albert immediately after learning that Albert=Uncle William=the Prince of the Hill. The particular mention about Anthony's death makes me certain that the Lakewood visit should be quite soon after the Albert=William revelation. Candy and Albert talked about their pain on Anthony's sudden departure. Such a discussion should be conducted immediately after Candy realised that Albert was Uncle William; and such a topic is better breached personally, not via letters. However, the conversation was not done during the first Lakewood visit (when Candy learned that Albert=Uncle William), perhaps Candy and Albert had too many other things to cover during their short meeting then (before the not-engagement party between Neil and Candy). Once the initial shock subsided, it's natural for Candy and Albert to finally talk about Anthony. However, given that Albert was very busy (he went to Brazil etc.), he only had time to come to Lakewood again a year after Candy found out that he was also Uncle William.
Although it’s possible that the letter and the Lakewood visit were made a good few years after Candy learned Albert’s true identity, the letter is full of references of information about old Lakewood memories that Candy would want to share with Albert immediately after learning that Albert=Uncle William=the Prince of the Hill. The particular mention about Anthony's death makes me certain that the Lakewood visit should be quite soon after the Albert=William revelation. Candy and Albert talked about their pain on Anthony's sudden departure. Such a discussion should be conducted immediately after Candy realised that Albert was Uncle William; and such a topic is better breached personally, not via letters. However, the conversation was not done during the first Lakewood visit (when Candy learned that Albert=Uncle William), perhaps Candy and Albert had too many other things to cover during their short meeting then (before the not-engagement party between Neil and Candy). Once the initial shock subsided, it's natural for Candy and Albert to finally talk about Anthony. However, given that Albert was very busy (he went to Brazil etc.), he only had time to come to Lakewood again a year after Candy found out that he was also Uncle William.
This Lakewood visit should be in a spring or summer, because
the bluebonnets
(spring flowers) and blueberries (summer flowers) were in full bloom. I gather
that it’s the spring or summer one year after Albert’s identity revelation.
Pg. 200, Candy's Letter to Sarah Regan
Pgs. 201-202, Candy's Letter to Stewart
Pgs. 203-204, Candy's Letter to Mary
Pgs. 205-207, Candy's Letter to Mr. Whitman
Pgs. 208-214, Candy's Letter to Georges
Pg. 255, Candy's (1st) Letter to Grandmother Elroy (after
Stear’s memorial service. This makes me think that the memorial service had to
be after WW I ended)
World War I ended in November 1918
Pgs. 256-259, Candy's Letter to Archie (Archie went to a
Massachusetts grad school. Seems a few years after Candy realised
Albert=William because she asked if Archie remembered his (Archie’s) reaction
upon Albert revealing his secret identity during Candy-Neil not-engagement
party. It has to be after Stear’s memorial service.
Pgs. 189-191, Candy's Letter to Franny (the letter makes me
think that WW 1 was over. Candy would have read the news about Franny in a
local (or an American) newspaper, which means that Franny would have returned
back to the US)
Pgs. 271-273, Candy's Letter to Eleanor Baker (Eleanor Baker
sent an invitation for Candy to watch Hamlet; Candy refused. Ms Baker’s
invitation would, as Nee-chan observed, have to be sent in the summer for the
Autumn Hamlet show, and it would have been sent after WW 1 ended)
Pgs. 274-277, Candy's Letter to Terry that she never sent
(it has to be during the autumn or winter of the year of the Hamlet show,
because good reviews were pouring in)
Pgs. 260-263, Candy's (2nd) Letter to Grandmother Elroy
(asking Nana Elroy to grant Archie’s wish to marry Annie). Check my notes on
the timeline below for the reason of my placing this letter here.
Pgs. 264-267, Candy's Letter to Stair
Pgs. 268-270, Candy's Retrospection on Annie's Archie's wedding
(the wedding was in a summer day)
Pg. 281, Candy recalls reading Susanna's obituary
Pg. 282 Blank page
Pg. 283, Terry's Letter to Candy (more than 1.5 years after
Susanna’s death)
Pg. 284 Blank page
Pg. 285, Epilogue (Title only, blank page)
Pg. 323 Blank page
Pg. 329 Blank page
Pgs. 330-331, Epilogue: Candy's present day with Anohito
Pg. 332 Blank page
Pgs. 333-338, Mizuki's Complete Afterword and Postface
Pg. 351, Reference of Keiko Nagita's biography and other
Now, I will put years in the chronology above to make it a
relatable timeline. I will use the fact in the manga that Candy was 15 years
old when she returned to the USA in a winter (she said so to Cookie onboard
Capt. Niven’s ship, Chapter 4). World War 1 started in the summer of the
following year, when Candy was already a student nurse. It means, in 1914,
Candy was 16 years old. It means she was indeed born in 1898. Also, the Candy
who was reminiscing her past was in her 30s, on the brink of World War II.
Which means that the Prologue would start after 1928. Candy also had a monologue about
Anthony’s death, in which she said that “twenty years have passed since
that moment”, “that moment” being Anthony’s death. Nila gave this Kanji
character 二〇年以
taken from the passage in the Japanese version; 二〇年以 indicates “more
than 20 years”. Since Anthony died in autumn 1912, it brings Candy’s
recollection to 1932 or beyond. WW 2 started in 1939, but
events leading to the war started in October 1935 when Italy invaded Ethiopia
with Germany’s support. The support from Germany would spark uneasy political
tensions in Europe, whispers of another war would already start in 1936. Thus,
I use spring 1936 as the “present moment” in CCFS, which means Candy was 38
years old. I use spring because daffodils (in Candy’s garden) are spring
flowers, and Candy’s recollection said as much; it was spring.
Having Candy being 38 years old certainly indicates that she
and Anohito should have offspring already by then. Although no offspring was
indicated in the novel, it doesn’t mean that they didn’t have children. Their
offspring could be playing with their nanny as Candy reminisced her past.
Having 1936 as the “present moment” for Candy makes sense
from the viewpoint of Anthony’s death. 1936 is 24 years after 1912, hence it
fits the “more than 20 years” timeframe since Anthony’s demise…
Lady Gato (or someone else) mentioned about Susy Carson as a
clue for the years as well. Susy Carson was a full-pledged nurse when Candy’s
retrospection started. Susy was 3 years old in 1913. The same like Candy, Susy
would obtain her nursing license when she was around 16-17 years old (that
would be 1930). If Candy’s “present moment” was in 1936, then Susy would have
six years to establish herself as a nurse in Calcutta, which also makes sense.
The placements of letters between Candy and Albert are very
important in building the timeline. In fact, I couldn’t build it until I was
certain those letters should have been written as Candy resettled in Pony’s
Home. I have no problem assigning all but one letter to the first few months of
Candy resettled in Pony’s Home. The last letter from Candy to Albert was more
difficult to dissect. However, you would have read in the section above why I
placed Candy’s last letter to Albert in the summer after Albert’s identity
revelation, and not later. Also, it does not mean that Candy and Albert stopped
writing letters afterwards. Why, Archie and Candy and Annie and Patty would
still exchange letters until they all died. Nagita Keiko’s exclusion of those
letters does not mean those letters don’t exist. It’s possible, as the
pro-Albert fans postulated, that Candy and Albert wouldn’t need to exchange
letters anymore because they would be living in the same house by the end of
the novel. But I have found no
aspects only pertaining to Albert in Candy’s present time setting (in her house
by the River Avon).
About Stear’s memorial service, from watching Downton Abbey,
I learn that memorial services for WW 1 were done after the war. Hence, Stear’s
memorial service should be done after 1918. Say, spring 1919.
Archie enrolling in a Massachusetts grad school (we assume
Harvard) would logically be after WW 1, as things started to calm down. Archie
started grad school after Stear’s memorial service (as Candy said in her letter
to Archie). I assume it would be summer 1919.
Terry’s Hamlet show should also be after WW 1 (again, I
learned from Downton Abbey that entertainment in the UK was very restricted
during the war). As WW 1 ended in winter 1918, I gather that Autumn 1919 is a
sensible year from logistical perspective for the UK Hamlet show. That would
give Terry four years to gain a main role once more after his destitute state
in Rockstown in autumn 1915 (see the timeline). That’s a sensible time to
regain credibility after his major hiccups. As Nee-chan observed, and also by
combining the logistics of traveling in those days, Eleanor Baker would have to
send the letter and invitation to Candy in summer 1919. In case Candy wanted to
come, she would have enough time to arrange for the overseas trip back to the UK.
Archie’s and Annie’s wedding was in a summer day, it seems…
but given that Archie still had feelings to Candy in 1915 (Annie herself said
so), I think it will take at least one year in Massachusetts for Archie to
truly see that Annie was his true love. It makes sense for Archie to propose to
Annie at least one year into his grad school, thus summer 1920. Because of the
opposition from the Ardlay Clan (except for Albert, who of course blessed the
couple), the wedding could not have been in the same summer. The wedding thusly
had to be in summer 1921 at the earliest. Plus, the way Candy wrote to Grandma
Elroy makes me think that Candy was once again reminded of her painful
separation with Terry. It is likely that Candy wrote to Nana Elroy after Terry
emerged again in the news (and after Eleanor Baker’s invitation in mid 1919).
Candy wrote to appeal for Annie and Archie, but her words still reflect her
pain from her own star-crossed love. Also note that in her letter to Nana
Elroy, Candy still referred to Albert as “Uncle William”, which reduces the
likelihood of a romance for Albert in Candy’s heart – at least to this point.
Pinpointing the year of Susanna Marlowe’s death is the most
difficult part. It would be after the Hamlet show, which means that it would be
after autumn 1919. It would be in the Twenties then. I thus resort to the
non-scientific, whimsical method: using the 11 blank pages in the CCFS,
assuming one page is one year, I extracted 1936 with 11 to come up with 1925.
If 1925 is the year Susanna Marlowe died, then Terry would write to Candy in
1927 (more than 1.5 years after Susanna died). Assuming Candy and Terry were
later married (YES!!), they would be married in either late 1927 or 1928. That
would give them at least nine years of space between the wedding and Candy’s
recollection. Having said that, it would
also mean that Terry would have lived with Susanna for at least 10 years before
the former actress died. Gosh, what a long wait…
Thus, the following is my proposed timeline for CCFS.
1898 late spring Candy
and Annie were born
1911 summer Candy
(13 years old, well after her birthday in May) went to work with the Lagans
1912 autumn Anthony
1912 winter Candy
went to the UK, met Terry onboard the trans-Atlantic ship
1913 winter Terry
went to America, Candy followed suit
1914 spring Candy
started nursing school
1914 summer World War I started, Candy found
Terry’s whereabouts, amnesiac Albert was found
1914 winter Stear
went to France to join the war
1914 winter Candy
and Terry separation
1915 autumn Stear died; Stear’s symbolic
funeral (the manga has panels with falling leaves); Patty wrote a thank you
note to Candy; Annie wrote how she felt the pain of Candy-Terry separation, and
she also scolded Candy for giving Terry up
1916 summer In Lakewood, Candy found out that
Albert = Uncle William = Prince of the Hill. Candy wrote a letter to Anthony.
1916 winter Candy
wrote to Dr Martin, offering him the position at the soon-to-be-built local
Happy Clinic
1917 Well-settling at Pony’s Home,
Candy worked at the Happy Clinic with Dr Martin. In the spring or summer, Candy
and Albert visited Lakewood again, where Albert returned Candy’s diary to her.
1917-1918 Candy visited
Miami (the Lagans new hotel opening)
1918 November World
War I ended
1919 spring Alistair
Cornwell’s memorial service; Candy was allowed to attend
spring/summer Archibald Cornwell enrolled
in a Massachusetts grad school, Candy wrote to Franny
1919 summer Eleanor
Baker invited Candy for Terry’s Hamlet show; Candy refused
1919 autumn/winter Candy
wrote an unsent letter to Terry
1920 Archie proposed to
Annie and received an opposition from the Ardlay Clan (sans Albert); Candy
lobbied Grandmother Elroy through a letter
1921 summer Archie’s
and Annie’s wedding
1925 Susanna Marlowe died
1927 Terry
wrote to Candy
1936 Candy’s retrospection started
I hope you find my timeline (mostly) logical…
It is a very logical Chronology. Until now i don´t find any inconsistence!
Many thanks, Anneth! I understand fellow CTs have posted their own timelines too, and I find most of them are in line with my proposal. We might differ slightly on the years, Nila suggested that CCFS has some different year's attributed to the same events in manga, but at least the chronology is somewhat consistent.
I have to examine Candy's letter to Stair again, from Nila's Info I might have overlooked the chronology for Anthony's letter. Might revise it then...
Hi Icha.
There is no way to compare the chronology of the manga, anime and CCFS because are different. And because of that we prefer in Nila´s forum to look in detail CCFS, because was wrote only by Nagita, and is her truth, as she declared!!
Sure there will be some differences in the CCFS´s Chronology everyone is doing, because there are subtles details in some letters, and none in others!! That allow subjective conclusions.
I didn´t find initially interesting the letters to Mary, Stewar, Whitman, Georges and the doctors, until read them more carefully, because all have time events that help a lot!!
And sure this Blog will help us more!!
Take care
Hi Icha.
There is no way to compare the chronology of the manga, anime and CCFS because are different. And because of that we prefer in Nila´s forum to look in detail CCFS, because was wrote only by Nagita, and is her truth, as she declared!!
Sure there will be some differences in the CCFS´s Chronology everyone is doing, because there are subtles details in some letters, and none in others!! That allow subjective conclusions.
I didn´t find initially interesting the letters to Mary, Stewar, Whitman, Georges and the doctors, until read them more carefully, because all have time events that help a lot!!
And sure this Blog will help us more!!
Take care
Hi Anneth, thanks a lot for the advice. Nila also said that the manga and CCFS are different in timelines. I think I need to make another post just to assign the years better. I do think the chronology here is somewhat consistent with the findings of others in the CT Forum, so that's a relief.
Will let you girls know when I have made another post for the CCFS-specific timeline. Thanks!
Thanks for the shout out >^..^<
Hi again. Very interesting with the chronology.. But I found many mistakes.. Especially begining from the winter 1915 until 1917-1918 (Candy visit Miami). From the Patricia's letter (1917) you'll know that Albert still in Magnolia apartement. And the revelation of his identity as a Prince of the hill were not in 1916. Maybe in manga were like that. The same year for two identity revelation. But Nagita changed a lot in CCFS. The revelation between two identity separated for many years; as the uncle William in 1918 and as the prince in 1921. Yes, it's very long. Albert suffered Candy's revenge between that years but then, that was the last thing which he had to confess to her. About his identity as her prince.
About the Happy Clinic in Pony's house then you can change the year. The reconstruction of Pony House in the begining year of 1919 were because of so many orphans in America caused by the war.
Well, about Suzana's death is still mistery for me in which year she died. But sure after Terry'Hamlet.
I must say that Terry's last letter were in 1916, month of June. Yes, he became alcoholic and smoke again knowing no answer from Candy. That's why he leave Suzzana to Rockstown (winter in the begining year of 1918). Then you know the continuity..
For now, that's all from me :)
Why do you think Terry's last letter was in 1916?
Hello Icha, first of all thank you for your great job studying CCFS in a very detailed way. I was looking at the history of RSC and I've read some very interesting things, as you can see in their page:
in 1926 the theatre in Stratford was destroyed by a fire and to rebuilt it, the chairman held a tour to raising funds, mostly in the USA. New theatre opened in 1932. I thought it's interesting.
I hope that you will write again on this blog as I see that you don't answer anymore to questions. Please, come back :)
Greetings from Italy,
Dear Anonymous,
I think there's a mistake in your interpretation about Terry's letter. Neither Terry or Candy could write to each other as they promised to that blond monster (Susanna) to split. They kept this promise and in the manga and in the anime there's no evidence that Terry wrote to Candy, just because he can't. So I guess that his letter has been sent long after the very sad episode of Rocktown, when he's finally free to follow his heart and not his duty. I hope it's crystal clear, as English it's not my mothertongue, as you can imagine :)
Hi Neofelis et al,
I'm sorry for the long absence. The fact is, writing the very few posts here have taken a lot of my brain power, thus I was left very tired afterwards. I don't regret writing them at all, nor that I made a new blog for Candy Terry. I am grateful that people still visit this blog and the posts are read by many... but after the last post, I just got busy. At that time, I thought Candy and Terry are already safe anyway, because my analyses contributed a lot to the pro-Terry arguments. Hence, I didn't consider my leaving the stage a bad idea.
I did intend to just have a short rest from CT back in September 2017. But then shortly afterwards, I found another old fandom that I left behind a few years back, and then - since there are many materials to cover - I have been doing that fandom instead.
Thus, forgive me for not answering your questions. I simply don't have the head space at the moment. To me, CT chronology are mostly settled now except for some minor details that do not change the fact that Anohito is, to me and to many, Terry. I may return again to answer questions one day, but at the moment, please use this space as a place to talk to other fans, and I will monitor it gladly, knowing that the space is a useful sanctuary.
I love your blog!It was you who a made me understand many things regarding CCFS!Terry is Anohito!!Finnaly our beloved charactets are together!It was your blog where I found aboutThe season of the daffodilles and The one I love belongs to somebody else,that enchanted me,especialy the first one! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!❤
Thank you very much, Unknown. As you can see, I haven't updated the blog since last year, but it's nice to see that the blog is still useful for CT fans!
what book(s) must i purchase to follow the completed story line?
"The Candy Candy Final Story" volumes 1 and 2 have been published in Italian and French, so you can purchase them. The Japanese version is running low even on eBay markets (but Rakuma or Yahoo JP Auction might have them). If you read Japanese, it would be the best version to buy. All the best!
Hamlet started in New York in 1922 and head to England in 1925 in other theaters while Royal theater were rebuilding.
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