Update 25 Jan 2025
Five of my blog posts in this blog have been moved to "draft" because I used unlicensed manga images with English translations. Well, to make these posts appear again, I have to delete those manga images. Sorry guys, I don't have time to look for images right now, so I have five pages with no manga images... but at leat you can still read the post again now.
In this post, we will look at the three aspects on that passage: Anohito’s voice, his smile, and his open arms to which Candy run into. I have explained them sporadically in the summary of Nee-chan’s blog, but I think a more dedicated post on this passage is needed.
After a laborious day (I kid you not), using Jisho, Romajidesu, and Nihongo-pro, I finally deciphered the whole Epilogue in Japanese script. Before I resume, though, I’d like to reiterate the importance of Candy’s monologues (including Prologue and Epilogue). These monologues show what happened in Candy’s current life with Anohito. We can decipher Anohito’s identity from the hints in Candy Candy Final Story flashbacks and manga. I agree with Scottie that the anime isn’t as faithful as manga, so I don’t use the anime as a source.
It has to be said: even though Candy still had emotions to Terry by the time she wrote her unsent letter, she could have changed by the time Terry sent her his letter post-Susanna’s death. Also, although I couldn’t detect any romance between Candy and Albert in her last letter to Albert, her feelings to him could also have changed by the time Terry sent her his letter post-Susanna’s death. I have to take those possibilities into account. Having said that, Albert’s habits and Terry’s habits found in the manga and CCFS flashbacks are still very useful when analyzing Candy’s monologues. Those are historical records of Terry’s and Albert’s personalities, and we should not discount them in analyzing Candy’s monologues.
I have analysed Candy’s monologues before where I concluded that Anohito is Terry. However, the last passage, the Epilogue has proven to be quite difficult to decipher because of the ambiguous “smile”, “voice” and “open arms” of Anohito. Thus, I analyse the Epilogue separately here. I assume that Anohito is the person whose habits/traits appear most frequently in the Epilogue. If Albert’s personality and habit emerge most frequently in the Epilogue (and in other parts of monologue), then Albert is Anohito. Vice versa for Terry. Of course Anohito could be a complete stranger for us, but we just have to base his traits on the flashback and manga.
I obtained all the raw Japanese scans from Nila for this research purpose. I intend to buy my own CCFS Japanese version when I have enough budget. I transcribed the Japanese scans from Nila into digital Japanese scripts. Please note that it’s very important that you don’t rely on Google Translator when translating the Japanese scripts. Google Translator is based on user-input, and some of them are not Japanese, judging from the mistakes Google Translator makes. Thus, it’s best to use sites like Romajidesu for translating, but you also need to cut the sentence into units to understand what the sentence truly means. Google Translator can provide some guestimates for Kanji. However, if you have no clue what the Kanji is, use Jisho.org to detect the Kanji “radicals”. Nihongo-pro provides stroke counts, thus whenever I couldn't find the radicals, I found the Kanji using stroke counts.
Anyway, without further ado, taken directly (and laborously) from Vol 2 p 331, here’s the true Epilogue scene of CCFS:
ano hito ga kitsutekuru kuruma no oto ga kikoenakatta
watashi wa kono gen ha ga ieru shiawase ni koe o tsumarasenagara
It’s clear from the scripts above that the Epilogue involves Anohito’s voice (声), his smile (微笑 and ほほえみ), and his outstretched/open (広げた) arms (腕) to which Candy run into. These aspects have been a contested factor in deciding the identity of Anohito since the publication of CCFS in 2010. Let’s analyse those sentences to get clues about Anohito, whether he was Albert or Terry.
Anohito’s voice: the tone
Albert’s voice is definitely associated with soothing, gentle voice. Candy’s description on Albert’s voice:
Vol 1 p. 27 when Candy first met the Prince of the Hill (8th line from the right):
SelfTaughtJapanese has a very good translation of the introduction of the Prince of the Hill. The author translated やわらかい声 as “gentle voice”.
Vol 1 p. 141 (when Candy woke up after falling into a waterfall and found out a “pirate” was looking at her):
Thus, “gentle” was definitely an adjective associated with Albert’s voice.
As for Terry, here’s what Candy described for Terry’s voice and smile (Vol 2 p. 187, Candy’s recollection on Terry’s acting):
Then, Candy’s recollection on separation in New York (Vol 2 p. 237, where Terry chased Candy down the stairs to deliver his final embrace):
So far, we learn that Terry’s voice has such a depth that is neither too high or too low (between baritone and tenor then?). We also learn that Albert has a gentle voice. However, while it’s difficult for a guy to change his voice from tenor to baritone, the tone of the voice can easily be changed. Thus, Albert can raise his voice, and Terry can also talk gently, as described here:
Vol 2, p. 27:
p. 30
If we just talk about やさしいその声 (yasashii sono koe, that gentle voice), it’s natural to think of Albert as the owner of the voice (although Terry had been shown to be gentle as well). However, there’s ときめかす(tokimekasu) as well accompanying the gentle voice (やさしい声).
Anohito’s voice: Tokimekasu
ときめかす (tokimekasu) is an effect totally opposite to “calming down”. ときめかす is the beating heart, which increases the heart rate (which naturally occurs when the heart throbs or palpitates). To test if my translation is correct, just translate ときめき (tokimeki, the root word of tokimekasu) on its own. Even Google Translator finally admits that tokimekasu refers to ‘throbbing’ or ‘palpitation’, instead of a calming heart rate as you would receive during any meditation sessions.
And guess what? Seigo Nakao's Japanese-English English-Japanese Dictionary includes an entry of ときめく(tokimeku), another root word for ときめかす(tokimekasu). The dictionary entry clearly says that 'tokimeku' is 'throb' (as in, heart throbbing).
Back to the CCFS. In the Epilogue, yasashii sono koe やさしいその声 of Anohito does NOT produce a calming effect. On the contrary, it causes Candy’s heart to throb or palpitate. Similar to the effect of thinking of Terry to Candy as follows:
From Volume 2, p. 103 (Candy’s September diary entry)
Although the passage above does not mention ときめき (tokimeki) orときめかす (tokimekasu = heart throbbing, heart beating fast, palpitating), 呼吸が苦しくなってくる (kokyū ga kurushiku nattekuru, “breathing becomes difficult”) happens because of, among others, tokimeki or tokimekasu. When your heart is beating fast, you’ll find breathing difficult. Don’t believe me? Go run a sprinter now for 200 m and return back to continue reading. Or run up and down two floors and come back to this blog.
Reminiscing how Terry kissed Candy’s lips also has this pounding/beating effect on her heart:
Vol 2, p. 36:
I also checked Nee-chan’s blog about the effect of Anohito's voice. She did actually mention tokimeki there, and tokimeki refers to palpitation.
On tokimekasuときめかす, my Japanese colleague said: “It means makes someone attracted to someone or something. Tokimeku means he is attracted to her or it. When you are attracted, your heart beats fast.”
Thus, a Tarzan Girl lost her footing when she was climbing up a tree in Scotland!
On the other hand, Albert's voice will give a calming effect like what Candy experienced after she poured her broken heart to Albert post-break up (Chapter 8):
Hence, I attribute Anohito’s gentle voice that caused Candy’s heart to beat faster to Terry, not to Albert.
Interestingly, Nagita Keiko (Mizuki Kyoko) herself actually used the word “tokimeka” in her essay about the three loves for Candy. In particular, when she described her heart-break when she had to break Candy from Terry due to editorial mandate. I obtained the followings from Nila from CandyTerry.com.
See what she wrote:
It’s very interesting to me that Nagita-san actually used ときめかせた (tokimekaseta), a past tense of ときめかす (tokimekasu) when she explained about her emotions when writing Candy-Terry separation. Of course, ときめかす doesn’t always have the sadness connotation there, because heart throb or heart palpitation can happen when you’re sad or you’re excite. But yeah, interesting…
Anohito’s smile
In Epilogue, ほほえみ (hohoemi) and 微笑 (bishō) are used for Anohito, one sentence next to another. According to my Japanese colleague, ほほえみ(hohoemi) and 微笑 (bishō) refer to gentle smile, where 微笑 (bishō) is subtler than the former (hence I translate bishō as "a subtle smile"). やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) would be a variant of ほほえみ and 微笑, in that spectrum.
To my knowledge, Nagita-san used one 微笑 (bishō) and one ほほ笑 (hohoemi) for Albert when he rescued her from the waterfall). It makes sense, for gentle smiles are very good to make a scared girl at ease.
Vol 1 page 142 (the first time the teenage Candy met Albert after he rescued her from the waterfall):
Vol 1 page 144 (still on the same scene), line 9 from the right
Then after Candy felt comfortable in his presence, Albert started to be more jovial.
Vol 1 p 146:
Note that there’s no Kanji for ‘smile’ there; the smile is implied in the sentence.
Afterwards, when Candy met Albert again in a London street as she tried to find medicine for Terry, Albert was all jovial in seeing Candy again. Vol 1, p. 308:
The Kanji used there was 笑, which when combined with the next four Hiragana means “laughing”.
Vol 2 page 96 when Candy was reading Albert’s letter sent from Africa described the Kanji for Albert’s smile as egao 笑顔 instead of 微笑 (bishō) or やさしい えがお or やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao).
By the way, page 97 (Vol 2) has the part where Albert said “there’s no goodbye (sayōnarahanai)” between him and Candy.
After Candy found out that Albert was Uncle William after all, she lamented how he made her age due to her worries (Vol 2 page 240-241). Page 241 has the passage of Albert’s reaction:
Here again we see that the character 笑 associated with Albert gives the jovial effect, rather than a somber one. I have not found more 微笑 (bishō), ほほ笑 (hohoemi) or やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) used to describe Albert’s smile.
Now, let’s examine Terry’s smile…
We saw Terry’s first smile on Chapter 4 of the manga where Candy met him at Albert’s shack at the London Zoo. Here the term やさしい えがお or やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao, a gentle smile) was used to describe Terry’s smile. In CCFS, this scene was described as follows:
Vol 2, page 9 line 5 from the right (when Candy met Terry again inside Albert’s “office” in the zoo).
In that sentence above, 微笑 (bishō, a subtle smile) was used to describe Terry's smile. Please note that there is no kana or Kanji for face in the JP script, it’s just the way I translate the sentence.
Here’s what Candy described for Terry’s smile in CCFS (Vol 2 p. 187):
There, we get やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao, gentle smile) again, paired up with 繊細 (sensai, ‘delicate’) this time for good measure.
During the May Festival (Vol 2, p. 20), when addressed by Eliza, Terry gave her his trademark hohoemi ほほえみ smile. I’ll get the JP script later.
In the Scottish Lake scene, page 87 alone (in Terry’s Edinburgh villa) has THREE 微笑 (bishō) reference for Terry’s smile as attached. The rest of the scenes in Terry’s villa usually has ほほえみ hohoemi for Terry and egao 笑顔 for Candy. I detect at least FOUR ほほえみ hohoemi for Terry in Scotland: pp 67, 85, 88, and 93.
My Japanese friend said that "hohoemi and bishō are just slightly different, and bishō is subtler smile than hohoemi”. Understanding Terry’s character, I can see how 微笑 (bishō) and ほほえみ (hohoemi) are used interchangeably for him. On that note, やさしい えがお or やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) has similar effect as well.
Coming back to the Epilogue sentences:
Both ほほえみ (hohoemi) and 微笑 (bishō) are used in the Epilogue to describe Anohito. Also, やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao, gentle smile) was frequently used as the variant, making the ほほえみ(hohoemi), 微笑 (bishō), やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) and 繊細 笑顔 (sensai egao, delicate smile) used at least 11 times in CCFS.
Thus, I can safely say that the smile in the Epilogue belongs to Terry.
Anohito’s open arms
This is the weakest link to Terry as Anohito in this part. After having a recollection like Candy’s, any woman would fly into her husband’s open arms in longing. However, fans who prefer Albert as Anohito always refer the arms to Albert's. It's true that Albert and Candy had many scenes where Candy just flew into Albert's arms. She did that at Lakewood after Anthony died, she did that in London when she met Albert again, she did that after she found Albert in a Chicaco wilderness when he had amnesia, and of course she ran into his arms when she found out that Albert was - after all - the Prince of the Hill.
However, Albert was not the only man Candy hugged. In London, she hugged Stear and Archie as well because she was excited to meet them again.
I reiterate again: Candy is a warm-hearted girl, she would run towards her friends and give them bear hugs. And, given the circumstances, any woman will want to fly into her lover’s open arms, so even if Anohito is a total stranger to us, Candy would do that anyway!
However, there is at least one instance where Candy and Terry hug: Terry was pranking her in his Scotland villa, and she didn’t hesitate to run into his arms (depicted in the manga and CCFS).
Then in front of the hearth, Terry was resisting his urge to hug Candy (CCFS). (JP script tba it’ll take at least another hour).
So, there is at least one record of Candy and Terry hugging (albeit during a prank by Terry). And if we consider Terry hugging Candy from behind on the stairs of St. Jacob’s hospital before their ultra-painful separation, we have another semi-case where Terry definitely hugged Candy as lovers do.
Edit 5 Sept 2017
Thanks to Anneth, I just realised that I overlooked an attribute in the passage about Anohito's open arms.
So, Anneth's comment made me realise that I didn't pay attention to the first part of the sentence.
watashi wa kono kotoba ga ieru shiawase ni koe o tsumarasenagara
After a laborious day (I kid you not), using Jisho, Romajidesu, and Nihongo-pro, I finally deciphered the whole Epilogue in Japanese script. Before I resume, though, I’d like to reiterate the importance of Candy’s monologues (including Prologue and Epilogue). These monologues show what happened in Candy’s current life with Anohito. We can decipher Anohito’s identity from the hints in Candy Candy Final Story flashbacks and manga. I agree with Scottie that the anime isn’t as faithful as manga, so I don’t use the anime as a source.
It has to be said: even though Candy still had emotions to Terry by the time she wrote her unsent letter, she could have changed by the time Terry sent her his letter post-Susanna’s death. Also, although I couldn’t detect any romance between Candy and Albert in her last letter to Albert, her feelings to him could also have changed by the time Terry sent her his letter post-Susanna’s death. I have to take those possibilities into account. Having said that, Albert’s habits and Terry’s habits found in the manga and CCFS flashbacks are still very useful when analyzing Candy’s monologues. Those are historical records of Terry’s and Albert’s personalities, and we should not discount them in analyzing Candy’s monologues.
I have analysed Candy’s monologues before where I concluded that Anohito is Terry. However, the last passage, the Epilogue has proven to be quite difficult to decipher because of the ambiguous “smile”, “voice” and “open arms” of Anohito. Thus, I analyse the Epilogue separately here. I assume that Anohito is the person whose habits/traits appear most frequently in the Epilogue. If Albert’s personality and habit emerge most frequently in the Epilogue (and in other parts of monologue), then Albert is Anohito. Vice versa for Terry. Of course Anohito could be a complete stranger for us, but we just have to base his traits on the flashback and manga.
I obtained all the raw Japanese scans from Nila for this research purpose. I intend to buy my own CCFS Japanese version when I have enough budget. I transcribed the Japanese scans from Nila into digital Japanese scripts. Please note that it’s very important that you don’t rely on Google Translator when translating the Japanese scripts. Google Translator is based on user-input, and some of them are not Japanese, judging from the mistakes Google Translator makes. Thus, it’s best to use sites like Romajidesu for translating, but you also need to cut the sentence into units to understand what the sentence truly means. Google Translator can provide some guestimates for Kanji. However, if you have no clue what the Kanji is, use Jisho.org to detect the Kanji “radicals”. Nihongo-pro provides stroke counts, thus whenever I couldn't find the radicals, I found the Kanji using stroke counts.
Anyway, without further ado, taken directly (and laborously) from Vol 2 p 331, here’s the true Epilogue scene of CCFS:
そのとき, 突 然, 部屋の灯りがともった。
あのひとが扉の前 でわたしを見てほほえみんでいる。
わたし は この言 葉 が言える幸せに声をつまらせながら椅子から立
ち上 がると, あのひとが広げた腕の中に飛びこんでいた。
toki gari no naka de watashi mo kasukana toiki o morasu.
sono toki , totsuzen, heya no akari ga tomotta .
" akari mo tsukezu , dō shita n dai ? kyandi "
watashi o itsumo tokimekasu yasashī sono koe ---.
ano hito ga tobira no mae de watashi o mite hohoeminde iru.
sono toki , totsuzen, heya no akari ga tomotta .
" akari mo tsukezu , dō shita n dai ? kyandi "
watashi o itsumo tokimekasu yasashī sono koe ---.
ano hito ga tobira no mae de watashi o mite hohoeminde iru.
watashi no daisukina bishō.
ano hito ga kitsutekuru kuruma no oto ga kikoenakatta
watashi wa kono gen ha ga ieru shiawase ni koe o tsumarasenagara
isu kara tachinobogaru to, ano hito ga hirogeta ude no naka nitobikondeita .
I let out a faint sigh.
At that time, the room light was suddenly
“Why did you not turn the light on, Candy?”
The gentle voice that always makes my heart
beat ---.
From the front door, that person looked at
me, smiling gently.
The subtle smile that I love the most.
The subtle smile that I love the most.
I did not hear the sound of his car returning
“Welcome back!”
With voice bursting with happiness for being able to
speak those words, I rose from my chair and flew into his wide open arms.
It’s clear from the scripts above that the Epilogue involves Anohito’s voice (声), his smile (微笑 and ほほえみ), and his outstretched/open (広げた) arms (腕) to which Candy run into. These aspects have been a contested factor in deciding the identity of Anohito since the publication of CCFS in 2010. Let’s analyse those sentences to get clues about Anohito, whether he was Albert or Terry.
Anohito’s voice: the tone
Albert’s voice is definitely associated with soothing, gentle voice. Candy’s description on Albert’s voice:
Vol 1 p. 27 when Candy first met the Prince of the Hill (8th line from the right):
突 然, やわらかい声がってきて キャンディは びっくりして顔を上げた
Totsuzen, yawarakai koegattekite, Candy wa bikkuri shite kao o agate.
Suddenly, a tender voice was heard. Surprised,
Candy looked up.
SelfTaughtJapanese has a very good translation of the introduction of the Prince of the Hill. The author translated やわらかい声 as “gentle voice”.
Vol 1 p. 141 (when Candy woke up after falling into a waterfall and found out a “pirate” was looking at her):
その人はもるやかな声で笑った.顔に似合わないやさし声sono hito wa moruyakana goe de waratta.kao ni niawanai yasashi koe niThat person laughed with a faint voice.
A gentle voice that does not match the person’s appearance.
Thus, “gentle” was definitely an adjective associated with Albert’s voice.
As for Terry, here’s what Candy described for Terry’s voice and smile (Vol 2 p. 187, Candy’s recollection on Terry’s acting):
“takaku mo hikuku mo nai fukami no aru Terry no
koe. Seikande, soredeite don'na hito no kokoro wo mo tokasu yōna sensaide
yasashī egao”
“Terry’s deep voice that is
neither high or low. The courageous yet delicate and gentle smile that melts
everyone’s heart.”
Then, Candy’s recollection on separation in New York (Vol 2 p. 237, where Terry chased Candy down the stairs to deliver his final embrace):
`“mōsukoshi…… konomama de……”. Teryi no koe.
Watashi no daisukina fukami no aru Terry no koe'
“A bit longer… just
like this…” Terry’s voice. Terry’s deep voice that I love the most.
So far, we learn that Terry’s voice has such a depth that is neither too high or too low (between baritone and tenor then?). We also learn that Albert has a gentle voice. However, while it’s difficult for a guy to change his voice from tenor to baritone, the tone of the voice can easily be changed. Thus, Albert can raise his voice, and Terry can also talk gently, as described here:
Vol 2, p. 27:
そのときテリィが そっとキャンディの手を取って.
「姫, どうかお相手を 」
Sono toki Terry ga sotto Candy no te o totte.
“Hime, dōka o aite o.”
In that moment, Terry gently took Candy’s
“Princess, may I have this dance?”
“Princess, may I have this dance?”
p. 30
テリィは思いのほかやさしく声をかけると,キャンディを馬の上に押上げ, 自分も飛び乗る.
Terry wa omoi no hoka yasashiku koe o kakeru to, Candy o uma no ue ni oshiagege, jibun mo tobinoru.
“Stay still.”
Speaking with an unexpected gentle voice,
Terry lifted Candy onto a horse before jumping on the horse himself.
If we just talk about やさしいその声 (yasashii sono koe, that gentle voice), it’s natural to think of Albert as the owner of the voice (although Terry had been shown to be gentle as well). However, there’s ときめかす(tokimekasu) as well accompanying the gentle voice (やさしい声).
Anohito’s voice: Tokimekasu
In addition to the nature of the voice being
gentle (yasashii sono koe やさしいその声), the Epilogue also mentions the effect of that voice to Candy. The
effect is ときめかす (tokimekasu), i.e. (the heart) beating fast. I don’t understand how
Google Translator and even Romaji-desu translated
watashi wo itsumo tokimekasu yasashii sono koe
into “the gentle voice that makes me calm down all
the time”.
ときめかす (tokimekasu) is an effect totally opposite to “calming down”. ときめかす is the beating heart, which increases the heart rate (which naturally occurs when the heart throbs or palpitates). To test if my translation is correct, just translate ときめき (tokimeki, the root word of tokimekasu) on its own. Even Google Translator finally admits that tokimekasu refers to ‘throbbing’ or ‘palpitation’, instead of a calming heart rate as you would receive during any meditation sessions.
And guess what? Seigo Nakao's Japanese-English English-Japanese Dictionary includes an entry of ときめく(tokimeku), another root word for ときめかす(tokimekasu). The dictionary entry clearly says that 'tokimeku' is 'throb' (as in, heart throbbing).
![]() |
Tokimeku is a verb that means 'throb', Google Translator! |
![]() |
And this is the source. Check it out under "T" |
Back to the CCFS. In the Epilogue, yasashii sono koe やさしいその声 of Anohito does NOT produce a calming effect. On the contrary, it causes Candy’s heart to throb or palpitate. Similar to the effect of thinking of Terry to Candy as follows:
From Volume 2, p. 103 (Candy’s September diary entry)
キャンディはハシとした思いで, 胸に手を当てる.--- テリイが好き. とっても, とっても好き.こんな感情 は初めてだ.アンソニーも好きなった.けれど、 あのときの思いとは少し違っている.熱くて胸が焦げそう…テリイのことを思うと, 切なくて、 それでいて, うれしくて呼吸が苦しくなってくる----
Candy wa hashi to shita omoi de , mune ni te o ateru . --- terī ga suki . tottemo , totte mo suki . konna kanjō wa hajimeteda . Anthony mo suki natta. keredo , ano toki no omoi to wa sukoshi chigatteiru . atsukute mune ga koge sō … terī no koto o omō to , setsunakute , soredeite , ureshikute kokyū ga kurushiku nattekuru ----
With swirling thoughts, Candy put her hands on her chest--- I like Terry. I really, really like him. This is the first time I have such a feeling. I also like Anthony. Yet, this feeling is rather different from the last time. My chest is hot and burning…Thinking of Terry is painful yet also pleasing… breathing becomes difficult for me ---
Although the passage above does not mention ときめき (tokimeki) orときめかす (tokimekasu = heart throbbing, heart beating fast, palpitating), 呼吸が苦しくなってくる (kokyū ga kurushiku nattekuru, “breathing becomes difficult”) happens because of, among others, tokimeki or tokimekasu. When your heart is beating fast, you’ll find breathing difficult. Don’t believe me? Go run a sprinter now for 200 m and return back to continue reading. Or run up and down two floors and come back to this blog.
Reminiscing how Terry kissed Candy’s lips also has this pounding/beating effect on her heart:
Vol 2, p. 36:
Candy no mune takanagattekita
Candy’s chest was pounding.
I also checked Nee-chan’s blog about the effect of Anohito's voice. She did actually mention tokimeki there, and tokimeki refers to palpitation.
"Yasashī koe" to iu no wa arubāto-san no koe ni taishite yoku tsukawa rete iru kotobada to iu koto ga wakarimasu. Shikashi, yasashī koe o keiyō suru "watashi o itsumo tokimekasu" to iu hyōgen ga kuwawatte iru koto de, teryi no sugata ga fujō shite kuru nodesu. Arubāto-san no yasashī koe ni taishite wa," tokimeki" to iu yori mo" iyashi" ya" tsutsumikomu" to iu kotoba ga keiyō sa rete shikkuri kimasu.
I understand that “gentle voice” is often used to describe Albert’s voice. However, the image of Terry emerges because of the additional "watashi o itsumo tokimekasu” or “always makes me palpitate” (or “always makes my heart beat faster”) that expresses a gentle voice. Albert’s voice is more “healing/iyashi” or “enveloping/tsutsumikomu” than “palpitating/throbbing/tokimeki”.
On tokimekasuときめかす, my Japanese colleague said: “It means makes someone attracted to someone or something. Tokimeku means he is attracted to her or it. When you are attracted, your heart beats fast.”
Thus, a Tarzan Girl lost her footing when she was climbing up a tree in Scotland!
On the other hand, Albert's voice will give a calming effect like what Candy experienced after she poured her broken heart to Albert post-break up (Chapter 8):
Hence, I attribute Anohito’s gentle voice that caused Candy’s heart to beat faster to Terry, not to Albert.
Interestingly, Nagita Keiko (Mizuki Kyoko) herself actually used the word “tokimeka” in her essay about the three loves for Candy. In particular, when she described her heart-break when she had to break Candy from Terry due to editorial mandate. I obtained the followings from Nila from CandyTerry.com.
Keredo, terii to wakareru koto wa hajime kara kimatte ita noda. Kyandi ni wa mittsu no ai o kangaete ita. Ansonī to no awai hakanai hatsukoi, terii to no hageshī koi, soshite arubāto-san to no unmei-tekina odayakana ai. Shikashi, igarashi-shi no kaita terii ga amarini mo subarashī shōnendatta tame, ninki ga shūchū shite shimatta yōda. Watashide sae, terii no ugoki ni horebore shi, mune o tokimeka seta. Kyandi to terii no wakare no shīn o kaite iru toki, yakeni ikigurushiku,-me no mae ga kumorunode dō shita nodarou, to pen o oki, Hata to kidzuku to, kokyū suru no o wasure,-me wa namida de ippaidatta.
Yet, their [Candy-Terry] parting was decided from the beginning. I prepared three loves for Candy. Ephemeral faint first love for Anthony. ardent love for Terry. And destined gently love for Albert.
But because Terry drawn by Igarashi was so fascinating, he was favored by readers expressly.
Even I was enchanted by his demeanor, and my heart leapt. When I wrote the scene in which was the separation of Terry and Candy, I put down my pen because I had difficulty breathing (tokimekaseta) and something blurred my eyes. It wasn't long before I realized that I held my breath and my eyes were wet with tears.
See what she wrote:
Mune o tokimekaseta
My chest was throbbing/palpitating
It’s very interesting to me that Nagita-san actually used ときめかせた (tokimekaseta), a past tense of ときめかす (tokimekasu) when she explained about her emotions when writing Candy-Terry separation. Of course, ときめかす doesn’t always have the sadness connotation there, because heart throb or heart palpitation can happen when you’re sad or you’re excite. But yeah, interesting…
Anohito’s smile
In Epilogue, ほほえみ (hohoemi) and 微笑 (bishō) are used for Anohito, one sentence next to another. According to my Japanese colleague, ほほえみ(hohoemi) and 微笑 (bishō) refer to gentle smile, where 微笑 (bishō) is subtler than the former (hence I translate bishō as "a subtle smile"). やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) would be a variant of ほほえみ and 微笑, in that spectrum.
あのひとが扉の前 でわたしを見てほほえみんでいる。
Ano hito ga tobira no mae de watashiwomite
hohoeminde iru.
Watashi no daisukina bishō
From the front door, that person looked at me, smiling gently.
The subtle smile that I love the most.
To my knowledge, Nagita-san used one 微笑 (bishō) and one ほほ笑 (hohoemi) for Albert when he rescued her from the waterfall). It makes sense, for gentle smiles are very good to make a scared girl at ease.
Vol 1 page 142 (the first time the teenage Candy met Albert after he rescued her from the waterfall):
海賊さんが心底, 安心したように微笑した.
Kaizoku san ga shinsoko, anshin shita yō ni bishō shita.
From the bottom of
his heart, Pirate-san smiled (微笑) in relief.
Vol 1 page 144 (still on the same scene), line 9 from the right
アルバートさんは Candy を安心させるようにほほ笑むと, 大きな一テーブルに, ハムをはさんだだけのサンドイッチと湯気の立ったス一プの鍋を置いた.
arubāto san wa Candy o anshin saseru yō ni hohoemuto ,ōkina ichi tēburu ni, hamu o hasanda dake no sandoishichi to yuge no tatta suichi pu no nabe o oita .
Smiling to make Candy feel at ease, Albert-san placed the ham sandwich and a pot of steaming soup on a big table.
Then after Candy felt comfortable in his presence, Albert started to be more jovial.
Vol 1 p 146:
arubāto san wa ōgesa ni higedarake no kao o kuzushita.
bearded face exaggeratedly broke (into a smile).
Note that there’s no Kanji for ‘smile’ there; the smile is implied in the sentence.
Afterwards, when Candy met Albert again in a London street as she tried to find medicine for Terry, Albert was all jovial in seeing Candy again. Vol 1, p. 308:
そのひとは, 笑いながらサングラスをはずした.“ああっ!...やっぱり…アルバートさん!”
Sono hito wa , warainagara sangurasu o hazushita .
“Aaa! Yappari… Albert-san!”
Laughing, that person removed his sunglasses.
“Aaa! It’s indeed you… Albert-san!”
The Kanji used there was 笑, which when combined with the next four Hiragana means “laughing”.
Vol 2 page 96 when Candy was reading Albert’s letter sent from Africa described the Kanji for Albert’s smile as egao 笑顔 instead of 微笑 (bishō) or やさしい えがお or やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao).
キャンディはアルバートさんの笑顔を思い出し ながら
Candy ha Albert-san no egao wo
Candy remembered Albert’s smile
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Part of Vol 2 p 96 about Albert's smile 笑顔 |
By the way, page 97 (Vol 2) has the part where Albert said “there’s no goodbye (sayōnarahanai)” between him and Candy.
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Vol 2 p 97 with Albert saying "no goodbyes" (sayonarahanai) |
After Candy found out that Albert was Uncle William after all, she lamented how he made her age due to her worries (Vol 2 page 240-241). Page 241 has the passage of Albert’s reaction:
sō itte semetatetara , arubāto san wa warainagara momagao ni natte "imōtoda to omowareru yori, sukoshi otona ni mieru kurai ga chōdo ī" sō itte, watashi o karakau yō nime o hosometa.
Laughing with a serious face, narrowing his eyes to make fun of me, Albert said, “Rather than looking like a little sister, it's good that now you look more like an adult!”
Here again we see that the character 笑 associated with Albert gives the jovial effect, rather than a somber one. I have not found more 微笑 (bishō), ほほ笑 (hohoemi) or やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) used to describe Albert’s smile.
Now, let’s examine Terry’s smile…
We saw Terry’s first smile on Chapter 4 of the manga where Candy met him at Albert’s shack at the London Zoo. Here the term やさしい えがお or やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao, a gentle smile) was used to describe Terry’s smile. In CCFS, this scene was described as follows:
Vol 2, page 9 line 5 from the right (when Candy met Terry again inside Albert’s “office” in the zoo).
ゆるみ, 微笑が広がっていく。
Terry no hyōjō ga yurumi , bishō ga hirogatteiku.
Terry’s previously stiff
expression relaxed; a subtle smile spread across his face.
In that sentence above, 微笑 (bishō, a subtle smile) was used to describe Terry's smile. Please note that there is no kana or Kanji for face in the JP script, it’s just the way I translate the sentence.
Here’s what Candy described for Terry’s smile in CCFS (Vol 2 p. 187):
“takaku mo hikuku mo nai fukami no aru Terry no koe. Seikande, soredeite don'na hito no kokoro wo mo tokasu yōna sensaide yasashī egao”
“Terry’s voice with such a depth that is neither high or low. The courageous yet delicate and gentle smile that melts everyone’s heart.”
There, we get やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao, gentle smile) again, paired up with 繊細 (sensai, ‘delicate’) this time for good measure.
During the May Festival (Vol 2, p. 20), when addressed by Eliza, Terry gave her his trademark hohoemi ほほえみ smile. I’ll get the JP script later.
In the Scottish Lake scene, page 87 alone (in Terry’s Edinburgh villa) has THREE 微笑 (bishō) reference for Terry’s smile as attached. The rest of the scenes in Terry’s villa usually has ほほえみ hohoemi for Terry and egao 笑顔 for Candy. I detect at least FOUR ほほえみ hohoemi for Terry in Scotland: pp 67, 85, 88, and 93.
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Three 微笑 (bishō, subtle smile) of Terry in Scotland (CCFS Vol 2, p. 87), |
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Terry's ほほえみ (hohoemi) in Scotland (CCFS Vol 2, p. 88) |
My Japanese friend said that "hohoemi and bishō are just slightly different, and bishō is subtler smile than hohoemi”. Understanding Terry’s character, I can see how 微笑 (bishō) and ほほえみ (hohoemi) are used interchangeably for him. On that note, やさしい えがお or やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) has similar effect as well.
Coming back to the Epilogue sentences:
あのひとが扉の前 でわたしを見てほほえみんでいる。
Ano hito ga tobira no mae de watashiwomite
hohoeminde iru.
Watashi no daisukina bishō
From the front door, that person looked at
me, smiling gently.
The subtle smile that I love the most.
Both ほほえみ (hohoemi) and 微笑 (bishō) are used in the Epilogue to describe Anohito. Also, やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao, gentle smile) was frequently used as the variant, making the ほほえみ(hohoemi), 微笑 (bishō), やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) and 繊細 笑顔 (sensai egao, delicate smile) used at least 11 times in CCFS.
Thus, I can safely say that the smile in the Epilogue belongs to Terry.
Anohito’s open arms
However, Albert was not the only man Candy hugged. In London, she hugged Stear and Archie as well because she was excited to meet them again.
I reiterate again: Candy is a warm-hearted girl, she would run towards her friends and give them bear hugs. And, given the circumstances, any woman will want to fly into her lover’s open arms, so even if Anohito is a total stranger to us, Candy would do that anyway!
However, there is at least one instance where Candy and Terry hug: Terry was pranking her in his Scotland villa, and she didn’t hesitate to run into his arms (depicted in the manga and CCFS).
Then in front of the hearth, Terry was resisting his urge to hug Candy (CCFS). (JP script tba it’ll take at least another hour).
So, there is at least one record of Candy and Terry hugging (albeit during a prank by Terry). And if we consider Terry hugging Candy from behind on the stairs of St. Jacob’s hospital before their ultra-painful separation, we have another semi-case where Terry definitely hugged Candy as lovers do.
Edit 5 Sept 2017
Thanks to Anneth, I just realised that I overlooked an attribute in the passage about Anohito's open arms.
わたし は この言 葉 が言える幸せに声をつまらせながら
椅子から立ち上 がると, あのひとが広げた腕の中に飛びこんでいた。
watashi wa kono kotoba ga ieru shiawase ni koe o tsumarasenagara
watashi wa kono kotoba ga ieru shiawase ni koe o tsumarasenagara
isu kara tachinobogaru to, ano hito ga hirogeta ude no naka nitobikondeita.
So, yes, Candy "flew" into Anohito's arms (the Kanji 飛 which means "fly" was used here). She definitely did that often with Albert, it was a habit of between them. But any woman would do that to her loving husband anyway, whoever that husband is.
“Welcome back!”
With voice bursting with happiness for being able to speak those words, I rose from my chair and flew into his wide open arms.
So, Anneth's comment made me realise that I didn't pay attention to the first part of the sentence.
わたし は この言 葉 が言える幸せに声をつまらせながら
椅子から立ち上 がると,
isu kara tachinobogaru to,
With voice bursting with happiness for being able to speak those words
This first part of the sentence does not apply to Albert, for Candy and Albert are always together. Albert said that himself, "there's no goodbye between us". Here, I upload the part where he said that again here:With voice bursting with happiness for being able to speak those words
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Vol 2, p. 97, Albert's "Sayonaranai" (no goodbyes) |
Of course Candy was always grateful to be with Albert, to have Albert in her life. She said as much in her letters. However, this excitement of being able to say "Welcome back!" does not refer to Albert. It may refer to Albert when Albert regained his memories, but that was more than 15 years ago, and the novelty would have worn off. Since Candy learned Albert's true identity, they had been practically inseparable. Of course Albert had his business trips to attend to, but they always wrote to each other. The term "no goodbyes between us" truly applies to Candy and Albert. Between them, it's "see you again soon".
However, the painful separations between Candy and Terry made her want to be physically close to him. Even after she was released from the dungeon because of Eliza's trap, before Candy knew Terry had left St. Paul's in London, a few years before Susanna's accident, Candy had said this to herself (Vol 2, p. 132, thanks to Nila for the JP script):
Tamaranaku Terry ni aitakatta.
The longing to see Terry was unbearable.
Candy's unsent letter to Terry (Vol 2, p. 274-277) after his successful Hamlet show was also full of longing references (notably the ripe apricot reference, which in Japanese culture denotes a woman's sexual maturity), see Scottie's essay for the better explanation of this letter.
Thus, Candy's happiness, her shiawase 幸, for being able to say "Welcome back" or "Okaerinasai" applies to Terry. She and Terry had been separated for so many years after cruel circumstances (some of us including myself believe that it was at least a decade), so the emotions fit.
Thus, Candy flying into Anohito's open arms also applies to Terry, not to Albert.
End of edit 5 Sept 2017
Thus, to me, the scale definitely tips to Terry for the smile. The repetitive appearance of Terry smiling in the 微笑 (bishō), ほほえみ (hohoemi) and やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) styles is in line with his quieter personality. However, Albert is more jovial than Terry (except when he had amnesia, of course), hence the general笑顔 (egao) fits Albert better.
As for the voice, although Albert has the trademark gentle voice, Terry can be gentle too (e.g. when he asked Candy for a dance during May Festival, when he asked Candy to hold on to Theodora, and when he bandaged Candy after the horse ride). While on its own the “gentle voice” can be solely attributed to Albert (because his voice is gentle anyway), the adjective ときめかす(tokimekasu) definitely tips the previously balanced voice scale towards Terry.
As for Anohito's open arms, although in itself it can very much apply to Albert, but the circumstance that goes with it, i.e., Candy's happiness for being able to say those words, applies only to Terry.
Thus, I herewith again conclude that the voice, smile, and open arms in the Epilogue belong to Terry. Anohito is Terry, and I’m not even wondering the possibility of my dear Albert as Anohito here. The scale does not tip to Albert; it definitely tips smack bang to the ground where Terry is…
However, the painful separations between Candy and Terry made her want to be physically close to him. Even after she was released from the dungeon because of Eliza's trap, before Candy knew Terry had left St. Paul's in London, a few years before Susanna's accident, Candy had said this to herself (Vol 2, p. 132, thanks to Nila for the JP script):
Tamaranaku Terry ni aitakatta.
The longing to see Terry was unbearable.
Candy's unsent letter to Terry (Vol 2, p. 274-277) after his successful Hamlet show was also full of longing references (notably the ripe apricot reference, which in Japanese culture denotes a woman's sexual maturity), see Scottie's essay for the better explanation of this letter.
Thus, Candy's happiness, her shiawase 幸, for being able to say "Welcome back" or "Okaerinasai" applies to Terry. She and Terry had been separated for so many years after cruel circumstances (some of us including myself believe that it was at least a decade), so the emotions fit.
Thus, Candy flying into Anohito's open arms also applies to Terry, not to Albert.
End of edit 5 Sept 2017
Thus, to me, the scale definitely tips to Terry for the smile. The repetitive appearance of Terry smiling in the 微笑 (bishō), ほほえみ (hohoemi) and やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao) styles is in line with his quieter personality. However, Albert is more jovial than Terry (except when he had amnesia, of course), hence the general笑顔 (egao) fits Albert better.
As for the voice, although Albert has the trademark gentle voice, Terry can be gentle too (e.g. when he asked Candy for a dance during May Festival, when he asked Candy to hold on to Theodora, and when he bandaged Candy after the horse ride). While on its own the “gentle voice” can be solely attributed to Albert (because his voice is gentle anyway), the adjective ときめかす(tokimekasu) definitely tips the previously balanced voice scale towards Terry.
As for Anohito's open arms, although in itself it can very much apply to Albert, but the circumstance that goes with it, i.e., Candy's happiness for being able to say those words, applies only to Terry.
Thus, I herewith again conclude that the voice, smile, and open arms in the Epilogue belong to Terry. Anohito is Terry, and I’m not even wondering the possibility of my dear Albert as Anohito here. The scale does not tip to Albert; it definitely tips smack bang to the ground where Terry is…
Hi dear Freckled Tarzan, you say the open arms is a week evidence towar Terry, but i want you to analise some letters that say the oposite. More than looking for hugs i think the most important thing is Candy wanting to meet terry, and to have a physical encounter to see him to talk about her journey and about her feelings (and sure both want to have that big hug after their separation). It is interesting that she sais she wants to hug terry again when he is leaving to America (it is wrote in the italian edition), also she express all the desire to see him when writes to Mr. Carson.
Also we know that Candy cand Albert never separated after he showed he was her Uncle William, they kept writing to each other all the time too.. So the need to say Welcome and run to his arms is the final journey Candy had until find his open arms... the arms of the man she loves more than anyonelse, as she wrote in her diary. That man she was follwing until Pony´s and never reach because of time and latter because of Susana!
Hi Anneth, thanks for the comment!
I think you absolutely got the point here! You're right, I should not focus on the hugs, because it can apply to not only Albert and Terry, but also to Stear (my other favourite) and Archie as well. I think the line after "Okaerinasai" is very important, for it shows how Candy was very happy, grateful, to be able to speak those words. She doesn't need to feel that way with Albert, for - as Albert said - there was no goodbyes between them.
Thanks again, I will amend the post based on your suggestion! I will also check the letter to Mr Carson later.
I have this question related to the adjective gentle as a quality of the smile not the voice. I ask because in the Italian translation Anohito's smile is not described as gentle as it is for the voice, the voice is gentle the smile is, if a remember correctly "that smile I adore" or something along that line. Does the Italian translation missed something here?
Hi Cindy,
If I understand your question correctly, you were referring to this line:
"watashi no daisukina bishō"
"daisukina" = "I love the most"
"bishō" = subtle smile (even gentler than a gentle smile)
So yes, the Italian translation missed the bishō nuances here...
Thank you Icha,
this is very interesting because I am almost sure that somewhere in FS Terry's smile is described as gentle. This would signify that Albert, the one with the gentle voice and Terry, the one with the gentle smile, are even in that Anohito's description!
Cindy, sorry for being in a rush with my first answer.
To be more precise, Daisuki = love/like the most
thus "watashi no daisuki na bishō" = the subtle smile that I love the most.
If the Italian translation only said "smile" without an adjective like "gentle" or "subtle", then that translation missed the bishō nuance...
I post again my comment because the first I sent has misteriously disappeared! I simply wanted to thank you Icha for this clarification, and I have to say that this is a very good news in fact If Albert has a gentle voice and if, as I think I have read somewhere , Terry has a gentle smile, so Anohito has the characteristics of both and both can equally be candidates to the Anohito role!
Hi Cindy,
Apologies for your confusion about your comments. I moderate the comments to avoid spams, but I always release non spam comments after I check them, usually in 24 hours...
Basically, one needs to check the original Japanese Kanji or Hiragana (sometimes also Katakana) in CCFS to understand a word's true meaning. Anohito has two smiles in the Epilogue: ほほえみ (hohoemi) and 微笑 (bishō). In CCFS and manga, Terry's smile are described as ほほえみ (hohoemi, gentle smile), 微笑 (bishō, subtle smile), やさしい笑顔 (yasashii egao, gentle smile), and 繊細 笑顔 (sensai egao, delicate smile). He of course laughed as well, and at times 笑顔 (egao, smile, in general) as well, but ほほえみ (hohoemi) and 微笑 (bishō) are more associated with Terry than with Albert.
As for the voice, indeed Albert's voice is always described as gentle (やさしい声). However,
watashi wo itsumo tokimekasu yasashii sono koe
Albert's gentle voice didn't cause tokimekasu (heart palpitations) in Candy, as I have explained in this article. Therefore, the gentle voice also refers to Terry.
In summary, we must always consult the original JP script, for they have nuances that English or Italian translation may fail to describe. The nature of Japanese scripts seem to be similar to that of Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), whereby a single character can totally change the meaning of a sentence.
I agree with you nonetheless I remember having read in FS how Albert's voice makes Candy's heart race in a couple of occasions: when Candy mets him at night in London while looking for a pharmacy for Terry and also when she goes the first time to the zoo, and she overheard Albert behind the door of his place there! He was talking to Terry who had gone to thank him for helping him during a fight in the London's streets! Do I remember correctly?
There was a discussion about it in the forum. The Japanese script should be translated as "heart bouncing" because of excitement, not trepidation. As in, Candy was excited to see a good friend, excited to meet her old friend. I'll try to get the JP script later... but it doesn't have the same effect as tokimekasu.
Ok I understand what you mean but, expecially in the episode where Candy walks around the street of London at night, she hears him and even if she has not seen him yet she feels her heart bouncing, well in my opinion, it is not totally correct to completely attribute her excitement to hearing the voice of an old friend, it sounds more profound the feeling she feels for a voice she could not yet place but nevertheless capable to elicit excitement in her. Anyway it sounds like an exercise of sematic more than a real difference. Don't misunderstand me it is pure opinion only, from someone who doesn't understand the nuances of a difficult language such as Japanese!
That's fine, Cindy. I understand you want to be as precise as possible in interpreting the text. Do you have access to the CCFS JP version? I have not bought the two volumes of CCFS yet because the price has already skyrocketed since I learned of their existence (USD 70-80 the cheapest instead of USD 22 ish during the original release in 2010)...
I think the zoo part is definitely the heart-bouncing moment because of excitement, for she knew she was going to meet Albert. The London street part could be because she just realised it was Albert, but it was almost impossible for he should have been in the US.
I'll keep this aspect in my to-do list (it's getting bigger these days...).
But you're correct in the semantic aspect. Japanese language often obscures the subject and also can be very elusive. Even native speakers have to understand the context of a text based on the preceding and the following texts. I have a local Japanese friend, and she had to think through several passages that I consulted with her, because finding their English equivalents are quite daunting...
Understood! But sometimes it seems to me that the way we interpret is absolutely driven by our preferences so: if I am a Terry fan it is quite normal for me to interpret that kind of heart bouncing, the one Candy feels with regard to Albert just as the emotion produced by the voice of a dear friend, right? Fair enough, on the other end if I am an Albert fan I tend to give to that bouncing a completely different connotation, I could even arrive to say, and some Albert fans do, that Candy at the time, without even knowing Albert as he prince, already feels something for him, practically without knowing it and as a pure sensation in her heart, something she could not give herself an explanation. To sum up how do we know that that heart bouncing, the one procured by Albert's voice doesn't have anything to do with love feelings? What make one so sure that it could not be, that it is totally different from what Terry's voice stirs in Candy's heart?
Fair enough... I will examine the JP characters for Albert's scenes again in due time. Holly had examined the sentence in the zoo before, and her Japanese is much better than mine. She concluded that the bouncing heart was related to Candy's excitement to see a friend. When I re-examined that sentence, I reached the same conclusion with her. I'll examine the London street context in the next few days.
However, I am very certain that tokimekasu (the heart pounding condition) applies only to Terry. If Candy was approached by a person she didn't know in the middle of the night, she would have a trepidation for not knowing what to expect, whether the person is friendly or not... But once she (or any of us) has more clarity of the person's identity, she (or us) would display the normal reaction we would associate with whenever we see that person. If we like that person, we will feel happy or even excited. If we don't like the person, we can feel repulsive.
" Fair enough, on the other end if I am an Albert fan I tend to give to that bouncing a completely different connotation, I could even arrive to say, and some Albert fans do, that Candy at the time, without even knowing Albert as he prince, already feels something for him, practically without knowing it and as a pure sensation in her heart, something she could not give herself an explanation."
That is a possible situation as well. Often, I suppose, only time makes us realise the position of a person to our heart. I think for Candy, the realisation fully crystallised after the second Lakewood visit. The mienai ito, the invisible thread that existed between her and Albert would always be there. It has been said over and over again, though, that in the Japanese context, ito does not only refer to ties between lovers. it can very well be applicable to family ties or friendship, as well. And considering the Japanese context is important, for Nagita is (obviously) a Japanese, hence she often uses the JP culture in her writing, although Candy is an American girl. Another example is the use of the ripe apricot allusion when Candy wrote an unsent letter to Terry.
Also, I completely accept that what Candy felt about Albert was also love. However, it's ai instead of koi. Ai, as in, a more general term of love, than koi, the burning passion that she felt for Terry. Ai can of course develop into koi and vice versa, and this might be what Albert-fans think.
I have to sleep, but I will approve your other comment tomorrow. Thanks, Cindy.
Thank you Icha, you are very clear and accurate. Mine are just questions, and you have to be patient with me because I am totally out of any context regarding the way people in Japan think or the way they write, considering that their language is so full of significance.
Speaking of Ai I read that it also implies a husband and wife relationship, the kind of love which refers to a consolidated couple. But it also means love between to people who are relatives, for example we can have Ai between brother and sister, father and daughter and also between to lovers who have already and publicly become an issue, and in this case we are definitely beyond koi, right? So do we have to assume that the Ai in Candy's last letter to Albert "with love and gratitude" has nothing to do with couple love but just love between relatives? How do we know for sure, I mean can we presume this from the context of the letter? Thank you
"Speaking of Ai I read that it also implies a husband and wife relationship, the kind of love which refers to a consolidated couple. But it also means love between to people who are relatives, for example we can have Ai between brother and sister, father and daughter and also between to lovers who have already and publicly become an issue, and in this case we are definitely beyond koi, right?"
So, between ai and koi... I see it like this: Koi DEFINITELY implies passion, i.e. love between lovers. Ai CAN imply that the relationship has passion, but it has to be examined deeply. With family, if I say ai to my brother, I definitely mean I have a brotherly love to him. But if I say ai to my fiancé, then there's passion and more.
"So do we have to assume that the Ai in Candy's last letter to Albert "with love and gratitude" has nothing to do with couple love but just love between relatives?"
We need to examine the context of the letter, not just that one Kanji of ai. When i examined the context of Candy's last letter to Albert, I see a hint of sadness there for things that happened in the past (including Terry), but she was also grateful for Albert's presence. I don't see romance there, but yes I can be biased because I am wearing CT glasses.
However, if I am talking in statistical terms, koi between Terry and Candy is significantly about passionate love. I can use 99% confidence interval for that.
Yet, ai between Albert and Candy is not significantly about passion (or lovers' love). There are so many confounding factors that prevent the test from concluding a significant amorous relationship between Albert and Candy. If I have to put a confidence interval, I would say 50%. In statistical terms, that is NOT significant (we can use 90% confidence interval, but lower than that is pressing our luck).
Thus, as I've done it with my post about the statistics of Anohito, I think I can say I'm definitely certain that Terry and Candy are lovers (that is, 99% confidence interval). However, the likelihood that Albert and Candy are lovers is actually quite low (50% is not a good measure). It's not that the likelihood that Candy and Albert are lovers is non-existent. There's a likelihood for that (based on the texts), but it's low. The white noise in the Candy-Albert data is much more than the white noise in the Candy-Terry data. Thus, if I go with certainty, I'll pick Candy and Terry for the amount/level of certainty that my examination so far has produced.
Sorry for making you confused, perhaps. Blame my statistics book in front of me...
Sooo in a nut shell we can say that Ai in that letter means almost certainly brotherly or Family love!!!
LOL, yes, in a nutshell, "almost certainly" is a good term. I am almost certain that the love between Candy and Albert as she wrote in her last letter to WAA is a brotherly love.
I really want Terry with Candy, but わたしをいつもときめかすやさしいその声---。in Russia нежный голос, который всегда успокаивает меня
A gentle voice that makes me calm down all the time.
Hello Anon...
Not to be rude or something, but at times I'm very tired of Google Translator. ときめかす or ときめき (at times, Twitter fellows would write it as トキメキ in katakana) means "throbbing". It has nothing to do with a calming effect.
It took me a while to go to the root of the word and found out that とこめき (tokimeki) or ときめかす (tokimekasu) is actually about heart-throbbing, not heart calming down.
Please use Romajidesu and enter ときめき (tokimeki) in the field. ときめかす has the root word of ときめき, hence it's better to check the meaning of ときめき instead of ときめかす...
I've been Tweeting in Japanese these days about a Japanese idol. When I talked to a Japanese Twitter fellow that my heart is とこめき (tokimeki, throbbing, hiragana) whenever I see his photos, movies or interviews, she understood, and she said that her heart was トキメキ (tokimeki, throbbing, katakana) as well. So it is true that トキメキ or とこめき refers to heart throbbing, not heart being calm...
Hope it helps.
I looked at the vocabulary, (not just translation) , that's what I've got:
wish someone(sex), pant, dither, burn, thrill, flutter, gasp, set one's heart on, run high
Google translate is strange, yeah.
Candy is extremely attracted to Terry’s voice and smile. She adores and love them many times in mango, anime and novel. With Albert, she only sense the familiarity of his voice every time when they met but was never she recall it’s the voice of Prince on the hill. Smile as well doesn’t seem to imprinted into Candy’s mind. Hug is a come here gesture. Both could fit into the picture.
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